Category Archives: Personal Care

Drink. More. Water.

Remember me talking about this mental health post? Yeah, its ending up being a *series* of posts. Because seriously, how far down the rabbit hole can you go in one post? 😉 So I’ll start off kinda simply…

There are a number of things I’m doing to keep stress from completely overwhelming me. Sometimes it still does, and I have to tap out. Id like to think Im becoming better at recognising those times, before I lose my shit, by keeping up a number of self care practices. Some are easy, some require a bit of planning, some Im only starting to notice the effects of after a period of time practicing them, but combined, they definitely make a difference in the amount of stress Im able to handle. Here I’ll talk about each of them, I’ll go in order of simplicity.

Drink. More. Water.
Drinking ample amounts of water during the day wont take your stress away, but it will help you deal with it better. You’ve probably heard that by the time we feel thirsty, we’re already dehydrated, and this study found that dehydration causes brain fog. We know that headaches can also be the result of being poorly hydrated. General irritability? You guessed it… In fact there are loads of institutions that have come up with similar findings about the effects of dehydration and why staying hydrated is important for our mental health – the U.S. National Institue of Health and Psychology Today  are just a couple. So instead of just grumping and fumbling my way through the day, Im making a concerted effort to drink more water.

What does that look like?

I’ll drink a pint glass (about 500ml) of water first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, and then try for another 2 and a half litres over the rest of the day. I dont always make it, but I try. I fill my water bottle (750ml) and make a herbal tea (I like Tulsi, or Holy Basil, more about this wonder herb alter…) to take with me to the gym where either do a light yoga class or moderate aerobic workout, which also helps up your mood by boosting endorphins. I count herbal tea as hydration because they’re mostly naturally uncaffienated and not diuretic, meaning they’re not causing me to “shed” fluid.
Afternoons can get a bit sketchy as far as being organised for drinks, but I might have another herbal tea, get through another bottle, a glass of water with dinner and maybe another tea (Rooibos, a very “traditional” tasting South African tea) before bed. Seldom will it be “all of the above”!
I’m yet to be able to find a solution to stick to, to make sure I get in my 3 litres without fail. But we don’t have to 🙂 Each of us has a different hydration requirement – I’m also breastfeeding so my need will be more than, say, a mum who’s kids are in school and who maybe works a desk job. Pregnant? You probably need more than non-pregnant retail clerk. They’re generalisations. Even just carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day will remind you to take regular drinks. Add a drop of essential oil to it, like lemon or grapefruit, just to change it up a little. Carry some herbal tea in your handbag. Being generally mindful of how much water you’re taking in can be really beneficial.
Keeping yourself hydrated will not only help you “deal” better, but you may end up eating less (drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before meals has been shown not only aid digestion but also reduce the amount you eat at that meal – see more about that here)  losing weight and looking younger too (here’s one womans’ results of her own 30 day hydration challenge, with telling pictures). Leave me a comment here if you’re keen for a hydration challenge together 🙂
